Luar Negeri

Call for Nominations: ARRL Awards Recognize Excellence in Ham Radio


ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® seeks nominations for awards.

It probably isn’t hard to think of someone you know in the hobby who goes above and beyond in service to amateur radio, their club, their fellow hams, or their community. Volunteers are the very core of the Amateur Radio Service, and that dedication is what carries the ARRL Field Organization. Excellence in on-air operating inspires the rest of us to be better, build better, and do better.

ARRL seeks your help in honoring the outstanding work done by hams, through the ARRL Service Awards. There are a host of different awards which are divided into four categories: Education Awards, Media/Public Relations Awards, Technical Awards, and Distinguished Service Awards.

If you find yourself with some extra time over the holidays, consider nominating the extraordinary hams in your circle for one of the ARRL Awards.

Head to the ARRL Awards Nominations page where there are more details for each award, plus instructions for making nominations:

Education Awards

Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award
Named for the Founding President of ARRL, this award goes to a licensed radio amateur under age 21 who has made exemplary contributions to amateur radio and the local community. Nominees must be current ARRL members. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

ARRL Herb S. Brier Award for Instructors and Teachers
Honoring Herb S. Brier, W9AD (SK), ARRL sponsors this award in conjunction with the Lake County Indiana Amateur Radio Club to recognize the very best in amateur radio instruction and recruitment. The award goes to a licensed radio amateur and ARRL member who is an ARRL-registered volunteer instructor or ARRL-registered professional classroom teacher. Nomination deadline: March 15, 2025.

Technical Awards

ARRL Microwave Development Award
This award recognizes a radio amateur or group of radio amateurs who contribute to the development of the amateur radio microwave bands. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

ARRL Technical Service Award
This award recognizes a radio amateur or group of radio amateurs who provide amateur radio technical assistance or training to others. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

ARRL Technical Innovation Award
This award recognizes a radio amateur or group of radio amateurs who develop and apply new technical ideas or techniques in amateur radio. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

Public Relations Awards

ARRL Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
Honoring Phil McGan, WA2MBQ (SK), this award recognizes a radio amateur and ARRL member who has demonstrated leadership in successfully promoting amateur radio to the public. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

ARRL Bill Leonard Award
Honoring Bill Leonard, W2SKE (SK), three annual awards are given to professional journalists or journalistic teams whose outstanding coverage highlights the enjoyment, importance, and public service contribution of the Amateur Radio Service. The award is given in three media categories: audio, visual, and print. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025.

Distinguished Service Awards

Knight Distinguished Service Award
Honoring Joe T. Knight, W5PDY (SK), the award recognizes exceptional contributions by a Section Manager to the health and vitality of ARRL. Nomination deadline: March 31, 2025 (for consideration during the July ARRL Board meeting).

George Hart Distinguished Service Award
Honoring George Hart, W1NJM (SK), the award recognizes an ARRL member’s lifetime of activities within the ARRL Field Organization, including the National Traffic System and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service®. Nomination deadline: November 1, 2025.
